Christmas has come to bethlehem
I’ve written those words and shared a new version of Christmas in our home each holiday season for the past two decades. I do that because I love Christmas. Everything about it. The traditions. The history. The memories. The way it makes you feel inside. The smells. The tastes. The opportunity to not need a reason to help someone else. The joy. The innocence of the season, especially now that I get to see it reflected back at me in the faces of my two young daughters. The magic. The fun!
This Christmas season is different for all of us for so many reasons. Many things are uncertain as 2020 comes to a close and that can lead to unease, anxiety, and even fear for any of us, but especially our children. Even so, there is still much for us to celebrate and be grateful for this holiday season.
In our home, that has meant that we will continue to do what we’ve done all year and lean into the one thing that 2020 has offered us in spades. Time. We’ve fully embraced this opportunity to spend more time together, just ejoying one another’s company, truly seeing and appreciating everyone and everything in our little world with genuinely grateful and open hearts.
And that brings me to why we’re all here. I created because I love Christmas so much and I see the wonder it brings to our lives every day, I decided to share as much of the experience with you as possible. It is my goal to give the gift of sharing our Christmas lives with you here, along with lots of other surprises like traditions, recipes, crafting ideas, and much more, even the occasional product review to keep your stockings full all year ’round. I hope you’ll visit often!
In keeping with my annual Christmas tradition, I’ll leave you with a look at some of our Christmas decorations this year. I hope seeing them brings you as much as joy as putting them up brought us.
From Bethlehem to wherever you are in this old, wide world and from our home to yours, Merry Christmas from the Santa Dad!